


The book is available. 

Sheikh Nazim


(n. p. 1987) 

adopted by Spohr Publishers
73 pages, 70 g, 11,5 x 16,2 cm
ISBN 978–9963–40–131–4
with 8 b/w photos, 1 calligraphy, and various graphics

6,00 Euros

(original edition)

The Discourses of Our Master Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi (Imam ul-Haqqaniyyin), Delivered by the Permission of his Grandsheikh Sheikh Abdullah Ad-Daghistani (May Allah Sanctify his Blessed Soul)


Selected Lectures

Summer-Fall 1406 A. H. (1987 C. E.)

ed. by Ibrahim Shukrullah, Graphics: Jamilah, Photography: Ayman Abdul-Qadir and I. Shukrullah 



A Unity Beyond All Duality
He is All in All ........................................... 9
Purity of Heart: To Forgive and Forget
and to be Immune to Vainglory .............. 23
Love is the Water of Life ........................ 28
Swallow your Anger: Then Digest it ....... 39
Everything is Known by its Opposite ..... 45
A Person’s Value Corresponds to
the Value he Assigns to his Time ........... 52
Don‘t Worry! ........................................... 58
Of Mice and Men ................................... 62
Familiarity Breeds Enlightenment .......... 66

“When a person attains the station of Unity he leaves behind
his own existence and is admitted to the Lord’s existence,
so that Divine Oneness overtakes him.“ (blurb) 

“This discourse is an Ocean, its summary is: what is of the world beware of, and pay attention to the dose. When crossing that ocean embark on a sturdy ship with well-maintained lifeboats and life-preservers, and if you swim in it keep your head above water! As for the Ocean of Divine Love, dive in and drown — that is eternal life in the Ocean of Unity.” (p. 41)


Have a look into the book: Chapter “A Person’s Value Corresponds to
the Value he Assigns to his Time”

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