


Stories from the Lives of the Prophets,
Based on Ancient Arab and Turkish Sources
From Âdam to 'Îsâ – ‘alayhim s-salâm 

Transcribed, translated and edited by Radhia Shukrullah,
Lympia 2020

704 pages, hardcover, thread-stitching, book mark
215 mm x 136 mm

ISBN 978–9963–40–140–6
Retailprice: 40.00 Euros (ca. 750 g) 


Spohr Publishers Ltd.
c/o PLURAL Publications GmbH
Colonia-Allee 3
D-51067 Köln

Sicherheitshinweis entsprechend Art. 9 Abs. 7 S. 2 der GPSR entbehrlich.


hese miraculous stories of the Messengers of the Almighty and Merciful God, which are now again made accessible to the English-speaking reader, provide not only an unprecedented insight into the characters of outstanding men and women and their dazzling humanity – their laughter and their tears, their hopes and their fears – they are also nothing less than an outline of the history of mankind on this planet. 



The author: 
Hajja Âmina ‘Âdil, born in Kazan in the former Tatar Soviet Republic in 1933 as the third of four children, had fled with her family from anti-Islamic repression, first from the Soviet Union to the region of Turkish Erzurum, then following the disruptive introduction of secularism, from Turkey to Damascus, Syria. There she met ‘Abdullâh ad-Daghistânî, the Grand Sheikh of the honourable Naqshbandî-Tarîqa, who arranged for the young woman to be married to his disciple and later successor Muhammad Nâzim ‘Âdil. She lived with him in the traditional setting of this Tarîqa, following a tradition that goes back to Sayyidinâ Abû Bakr râdiya llâhu anhu, the companion of the Prophet salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who carries the epithet as-Siddîq, “the sincere one”. The tales presented here bear the hallmark of credibility and are of special value.

From 1981, Hajja Âmina lived with her family in Lefke on the island of Cyprus. She accompanied her husband on his journeys throughout the world, until her death in 2004, may Allâh sanctify her soul.

The book is or will soon be available at:

Madani Bookshop, UK

Mecca Books, USA 

Wardah Books, Singapore

Sufi Books of Broken Hill, Australia


Excerpt: Chapter 2 – The Creation of Âdam, 'alayhi s-salâm

A German Version is available


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