About Us


(Salim and Hagar in the Troodos mountains of Cyprus once in December.)

We are a German publishing outfit, and for around twenty years we have been producing books in an advanced way by following classic rules of this art in typesetting, page-layout, paper, binding etc. So if there is enough space you will find the writing on the spines horizontally adjusted so that there is no need to tilt your head by 90 degrees when trying to read the text on the spine of the book. 
We publish books for Muslims and those who are interested in Islam, and people say that our books are the most beautiful in this field: from the perspective of texts, the editing and their shape, as well as from the physical attributes of the books, i. e. the way you may handle it, its off-flat character and the solidity of its shape and its bonding, either glued or thread-stiched. You can be sure that your book will last a lifetime.   
Now, making some first timid steps in the English book market,  we are surprised by customers’ expressions of an overwhelming praise of our publications, for example Imâm Ghazâlî’s Mukhtasar ihyâ’ ‘ulûm ad-dîn, and also the paperbacks you can find here.
We look forward to gradually publishing some more books for the English market and its friendly customers worldwide in-shâ’ Llâh. And we promise to do our best to provide excellent quality.    
With best wishes,
wa s-salâm,

Salim & Hagar 






Seit 20 Jahren
Seit 20 Jahren bemühen wir uns, schöne Bücher zu machen, aber immer wieder wenn eine gelungene Herstellung sich im erschienen Werke zeigt, sind wir glücklich! Mit dreihundertzweiundfünfzig Seiten ist der neue Ghazali der dickste in der deutschsprachigen Reihe: "Erinnerung an den Tod und das Leben danach", ein umwerfend wunderbares Buch!

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    As-salâmu alaykum,Dear friends of Spohr Publishers,We wish to inform you that there are three new English titles available at Spohr Publishers. They are presently in production and will be ready to leave our Hungarian printer November 30, insha’ Allah. The first item is... read more


    As-salâmu alaykum,Dear friends of Spohr Publishers,We wish to inform you that there are three new English titles available at Spohr Publishers. They are presently in production and will be ready to leave our Hungarian printer November 30, insha’ Allah. The first item is... read more

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