The book was reprinted and is available again.
Imâm al-Ghazâlî’s
The Iḥyâ’ ‘ulûm ad-dîn as abridged by himself.
Translated from the Arabic, and annotated
by Marwan Khalaf (may Allâh bless his soul)
480 pages, Hardcover, thread-stitching, book mark.
ISBN 978-9963-40-051-5
Retailprice: 24.00 Euros (650 g)
Digital products (eBook version): not available at present
The Shaykh and Imam, the Proof of Islam, Abû Hâmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazâlî, may Allah be pleased with him, stated: ‘Thank God for all His bounties; for even enabling us to thank Him; and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, Muhammad, His Prophet, Messenger and Servant, upon his family and Companions, and upon his successors after him, his Ministers in his time. – I missed, in some of my travels, a facility for extracting from the ‘Ihyâ’ ‘ulûm ad-dîn’ its essences, due to the difficulty of carrying it around with me, on account of its bulk. Hence I tackled this matter, seeking success and guidance from God and praising His Prophet. It consists of forty chapters. – And God guides to the truth.’
«I am very happy with this book!»
(Mehmet Nazim Adil, Lefke, Cyprus)
«Very readable translation, well documented with copious footnotes:
The best English translation I have seen of the Ihyâ’.»
(Dr Munir Sperling, Santa Cruz, California)
«The books just arrived and I am overwhelmed by the beauty and the importance of this book. Please, we would like to order more copies as they are selling very well here. Alhamdulillah many people can see the importance of this book.»
(Ibrahim Tahir, Wardah Books, Singapore)
ENGLISH customers:
The book is available at DARUSSALAM in London.
See here.
AMERICAN customers:
Please, order this book on the shortest and fastest way from MECCA BOOKS, our American distributor here.