




Keeping Company with a Saint

by Nabil Ibrahim

Editor: Karima Sperling

160 pages, Paperback, format 148x219 mm
ISBN 978–9963–40–124–6

16,00 Euros 

e-book available


Spohr Publishers Ltd.
c/o PLURAL Publications GmbH
Colonia-Allee 3
D-51067 Köln

Sicherheitshinweis entsprechend Art. 9 Abs. 7 S. 2 der GPSR entbehrlich.


»This is Nabil’s picture of a Saint whose greatest miracle was being able to be everything to every-one. However perceptive, this is only a piece of the puzzle to which each one of us is in possession of a different piece. But the love he so powerfully gives voice to, is ours, all of ours, the same. We are left with this book – a tribute both to the Master and to the murid.«

Extract from the text:


Editor’s Preface

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani moved from this world to the next on Wednesday the 7th of May, 2014, the 8th of Rajab, 1435 AH. This event left most of us simply speechless, struck dumb, stunned and tearless, in the depths of our loss. Nabil, however, found the voice to speak, the words to express something of the love and gratitude we all feel for an incomparable Master. And beyond that, he had some really practical advice on how we can adjust to our new reality, advice about the right attitude with which to face the future. To put it simply, the Sheikh is not dead, keep your eyes on the Sheikh.
Nabil’s memories, his understandings are, of course, inimitably his. When you read these articles you see the world through his eyes. This is Nabil’s picture of a Saint whose greatest miracle was being able to be everything to everyone. However perceptive, this is only a piece of the puzzle to which each one of us is in possession of a different piece. But the love he so powerfully gives voice to, is ours, all of ours, the same.
In the days following Mawlana’s passing, Nabil composed these short articles as emails, which he sent out to those he thought would appreciate them. They brought so much comfort and clarity to the recipients that he was persuaded to publish them for a wider audience. So he arranged for the editing and for the publishing in a strangely insistent way that we didn’t understand.
Then on Friday March 20, 2015 Nabil died suddenly from unknown causes in his mother’s home in Cairo, 317 days after his beloved Master.
We are left with this book – a tribute both to the Master and to the murid. 

 Karima Sperling
5th of Sha‘bân, 1436, Lefke, Cyprus


A word of welcome:






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