


The book is available. 

Sheikh Nazim


(n. p. 1981, 2nd ed. 1988)
adopted by Spohr Publishers
262 pages, 250 g, 12,8 x 18,3 cm
ISBN 978–9963–40–130–7
10,00 Euros

(original edition)

Part I Winter Lectures Damascus 1401 H. (1981 C. E.)

Part II Spring Lectures Damascus 1400 (1980 C. E.)

The Teachings of Sultan ul-Awliya Sheik Abdullah Ad-Daghistani An-Naqshbandi, as expounded upon by our Master Mevlana Sheikh Nazim Adil Al-Qubrusi An-Naqshbandi

With 2 calligraphies, a Glossary of Arabic Terms and Biographical Sketches, and The Golden Chain of Spiritual Transmission of the Naqshbandi-Khwajagan Masters

ed. by Ibrahim Shukrullah

“Oh my brothers, this book is a mine into which
you may dig, and from which you may take jewels
and precious metals. Miners are digging up rocks,
cutting them open and extracting precious metals.
My English is like rocks, but through my words
you may find the precious metals you need — so
don’t look at my English, but take from it those
Sheikh Nazim Adil Al-Qubrusi


“Once one’s heart is opened, he is no longer in
need of studying many books, but rather, books
may be written from his sayings. Once one has
reached this station, one’s knowledge is always
fresh, not stale, and like easily digestible and de-
licious food which delights those who eat it; not
like stale, old food which has been sitting on a shelf
for years. The words of saints are always fresh be-
cause they are continually absorbing new knowl-
edge from the Prophet’s heart. Now such people
are very few, and most of them are hidden, while
many other people are dishing out old, stale knowl-
edge which no one derives any benefit from;
hearts always long for the living teaching, but
that is to be found only with very few.“ (blurb)

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